Do you know from where you will get the best Nihari in India? If no then don’t get stressed we have shared the best Kallu Nihari Wala Delhi details at this place. The restaurant that has tasty non-veg nihari for you. Foodies cant resist Nihari from this place. As the restaurant ahs the best taste because they have the best spices made at home. Now you will love to have the unique taste at the best place from here. The menu card and the other details are mentioned here.

Kallu Nihari Wala Delhi

Nihari is the best food that is loved by the whole India. A non-veg dish that is cooked in a different style for the customers. Ku Nihari wala is one of the most famous eateries in Karachi. You can visit this place to eat one of the best Nihari in the world. So, if you want to check its menu then here is the complete details.

Kallu Nihari Wala Menu Card:

This place is famous for its Nihari but you can get other dishes like special Biarri and much more. Now for the tasty food with flavorsome dishes you need to visit Kallu Nihari Wala. Here is the complete menu card of Kallu Nihari Wala along with the updated rates.

kallu nihari

Kallu Nihari Wala Specialty:

Want to see the special dishes of this place? Then you will find that they have tasty Nihari for your taste buds. Just see the complete details of the number and address from the below side.

Contact Number:

This is the number of the restaurant.



For the address must see the below side.

180, Chatta Lal Main Rd, behind Delite Cinema, Bazar Chitli Qabar, Chatta lal Miya, Chandni Mahal, Daryaganj, 


See the link of the address.

Zahid Chicken Corner Jama Masjid

Must see the best possible details of Kallu Nihari Wala Delhi Menu Card Number Address Location and much more. Furthermore, make sure to comment us about the taste of this place. but if you haven’t visited this  then make sure to see the details from here.

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